Although it seems lie, exist multitude of pages dedicated to the sand collections. That yes, most of them of the United States and in english.
With patience, I have been compiling some of the directions of the pages that have been to me more interesting. Outside Spain we can go to: www.arenophile.com y www.arenophile.com/collection/index.html although it is not updated gives envies by the bench mark that contains and belong to arenophile webring.
From here we can be connected with the International Society of Collectors of diverse Sand as well as to page of the departments of Geology of some university . It provides, also, manifold connect. The page of the Society the International of Sand Collectors is http://www.sandcollectors.org/ISCSHomeIndexx.htm, from United Sates.
In French, but this time of Canada, it´s the page of Claude Girard, an enormous collection
The collection of the belgian Fanny, also it has a very important collection in http://users.skynet.be/areno/
http://www.freehomepages.com/arenophile/index is an interesting Dutch page that it´ve enough connections, and Finally in single Spain I have found to www.terra.es/personal/ubaldopuche/arenas/esand.htm Foros. I have located two forums in which all type of information can be changed, to make available sand interchange and to speak of all speakable on sands these they are: Separate mention, in the illustration of sands and the beaches in which they were gathered is worth the trouble to name and to express my enormous gratefulness to www.esplaya.com by the guide whom it has provided to me nonsingle for my collection but also to choose my vacations. A very good page where to obtain fundamentally naturistas beach data and places he is, as its name indicates, www.lugaresnaturistas.org in which I have found a very good beach guide of Spain and Portugal as well as a warm refugee In order to finalize you can visit www.sandfantasy.com/ a page that teaches all the beautiful one that can be done with the sand